Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The 12 Things at Christmas that are not so good for me (or you)...

I rewrote Weird Al's "The 12 Pains of Christmas" which was his rendition of the 12 days of Christmas to give it a wellness perspective...
The first thing at Christmas,
That's not so good for me:
The scale that I don’t want to see.

The second thing at Christmas,
That's not so good for me:
Lots of late nights,
and The scale that I don’t want to see,

The third thing at Christmas
That's not so good for me:
hangovers, lots of late nights
and The scale that I don’t want to see,

The fourth thing at Christmas,
That's not so good for me:
Plates of Christmas Cookies,
hangovers, lots of late nights
and The scale that I don’t want to see

The fifth thing at Christmas
That's not so good for me:
Five Times the STRESS,
Plates of Christmas Cookies,
hangovers, lots of late nights
and The scale that I don’t want to see

The sixth thing at Christmas
That's not so good for me:
eatin’ too much at the in-laws,
Five Times the STRESS,
I’m sick of Christmas Cookies,
hangovers, lots of late nights
and The scale that I don’t want to see

The seventh thing a Christmas,
that's not so good for me:
Too many parties, eatin’ too much at the in-laws,
Five Times the STRESS, Plates of Cookies
ohhh geeez, I'm sick of late nights
and the damn scale that I don’t want to see.

The eighth thing at Christmas,
that's not so good for me:
You need this done before Christmas,
Parties and another meal with the in-laws?
Five Times the STRESS, uh choking down cookies,
please get me a beer huh,
what we can’t say no?
And The scale that I don’t want to see,

The ninth thing at Christmas
that's not so good for me:
lack of quiet places,

There’s more vital work,
parties, eating with the in-laws
Five Times the STRESS,
Eating all those Christmas Cookies,
hangovers, now why the hell are eating?
And The scale that I don’t want to see,

The tenth thing at Christmas
That's not so good for me:
Time off not included, no quiet places,
No, I can’t get it done, not another drink,
I can’t eat again, five times the STRESS,

yo-ho eating Christmas cookies,
oh-geez look at this,
one night we go out, every night we go out,
and The scale that I don’t want to see,

The eleventh thing at Christmas
That's not so good for me:
Tons of T.V. specials, time off not included,
no quiet places,
No time to go to the bathroom,
parties, she's a baker I hate her,
five times the Stress,
i don’t even know half these people,
oh who has the toilet paper,
no more nights out,  I blew a fuse
and The scale that I don’t want to see,

The twelfth thing at Christmas
that's not so good for me:
eating Christmas candy, Tons of T.V. specials,
Time off not included, no quiet places,
(kid crying), parties, my turn to make em dinner,
five times the stress,
I'm not eating them mister that's it,
shut up you, you're so smart you go out tonight
and The scale that its time I have to see.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year...

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