Saturday, December 20, 2014

New Years Resolutions:Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!

“Oh, why can't every day be like Christmas, Why can't that feeling go on endlessly. For if every day could be just like Christmas. What a wonderful world this would be.” The lyrics sung by Elvis Presley (written by Red West) beautifully capture the sentiment of good will to our fellow man.  It would be wonderful if we lived that way all the time and yet we know that is simply not the case.  Immediately following Christmas thoughts shift to the New Year as we recount the year that has come to an end and look forward to a new beginning.  The annual rite of New Year’s Resolutions become a major topic of conversation.  Full of hope we determine what we will finally accomplish in the New Year.  We are resolute, which is defined as admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.  January 1st, well maybe the 2nd, the race begins and we are off in a flash to make our goal a reality. Gyms swell to over capacity as people are sure this is the year they will lose weight and get healthy.  The regular gym goers are frustrated by the sudden influx of people.  The gym owners are excited by all the new business and everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before everything returns back to normal. 

It is commonly reported that 92-95% of New Year’s Resolutions will end in failure but why?   I believe the major reason for the high failure rate is correlated to the amount of time we spend planning out the strategy for accomplishing the Resolution.  A majority of resolutions are really changes we want to make in our behavior and there is the problem.  While we would like to believe that we can simply will the new behavior into existence the truth is that changing behavior is incredibly difficult requiring a thoughtful plan and time.  Luckily, we have a couple of options, we can do the research and create our plan or we can find someone who already has a plan and utilize theirs.  Both of these options start at the same point…who do I believe?  The internet is filled with both information and misinformation and there are endless programs to choose from.  The endless parade of “experts” further confuses the issue.  Friends and families have suggestions, opinions, and stories.  The real truth is that there isn’t one program or facility that is perfect for everyone but for behavior change there are some basic things we know from research. 

The first step of any program is to realize that it will be a journey not a sprint.  It takes several weeks to replace an old habit with a new one. Once you’ve accepted this realization you need an honest opinion of your starting point.  Since I live in the physical therapy and fitness world I’ll use it as the example.  If your Resolution is to lose weight, get fit or become more active before launching into a fitness program it is vital that you resolve any lingering injuries or pains.  The human body is a kinetic chain and like any chains stress will find the weakest link and the chain will break there.  Once free of injuries and pain then determining your current fitness level is equally important.  A comprehensive assessment should include a cardiovascular, flexibility and strength assessment.  Regardless of what you know about exercise and fitness LOGIC should be present.  The reason you do the assessment is to determine the appropriate level of exercise.  If you can only do a few minutes of exercise without getting out of breath then the program shouldn’t start with 1 hour of intense exercise.  But, sadly this is exactly what happens for way to many people starting exercise programs.  Either there is absolutely no assessment or there is but it is disregarded and people are put into inappropriately difficult programs.  Not only will your body become painful but your mind will begin to come up with reasons and justifications to stop the program.  Thus a majority of Resolutions are doomed to fail from the beginning. 

The human body is amazingly complex, so make sure you only take advice from those who have actually studied anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology.  Those who understand the science behind exercise and the body’s response to the stresses placed upon it.  For some reason when it comes to fitness and exercise we make judgments based off of physical appearance of the professional and not their education.  “Look at him/her they obviously know what they are talking about!”  Would you take your Ferrari to someone who looks like a mechanic or would you research what they know about your car first???  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Weakest Link!

As the high school football and volleyball seasons wind down the inevitable truth becomes a reality for more teams...there can only be one champion!  Every season starts with the excitement of possibility, promise and hope only to give way to the inevitable reality of competition, goals are either attained or they are not.  I believe it is this finality that makes sports so alluring.  The other reality of team sports is that it takes a team to win.  While the age old adage is true that there is no "I" in team, there is also truth in the fact that a team is only as good as the weakest player.  Teams will set their goals but the reality is that the success of the team will come down to each players individual commitment to improve themselves.  Champions are not created during the season or during the scheduled practices, they are created by daily deliberate discipline and determination.  Improvements will come slowly and only maximized through the compounding interest of consistency. 

The first step in the process of maximizing athletic potential is an honest assessment of all aspects of performance.  While some aspects of performance are the obvious focus, specifically skill, speed, strength and power there is an overlooked yet vital piece of the puzzle.  The one thing that can destroy all attempts at improving performance in an instant is injury.  Yet, every year athletes suffer a variety of injuries during the season but give them little to no attention after the season.  Athletes jump back into offseason training regimes or move on to the next sport without completely resolving the injuries that they have sustained.  The human body has an incredible ability to compensate for injury in one area by utilizing secondary muscles.  A friend of mine with 30 years of experience in athletic training coined the phrase "continue your rehab until your weakness becomes your strength" and yet laments the fact that year after year athletes will rehab an injury only until they return to participating then abandon the program.  Not completing the rehab process and fully recovering range of motion and strength ratios is simply setting up the body for future injury.  The body is a kinetic chain and just like any chain is only as strong as the weakest link.  Sports by their very nature place extreme levels of stress and strain on the body repeatedly. 

Once an injury has occurred not only is there the initial tissue damage but there is an immediate onset the compensation pattern.  In response to the injury some muscles become inhibited or weak and other muscles spasm to protect the joint.  These initial responses lead to changes in joint alignment or posture which then changes the mechanics of the joint.  These changes can be subtle and overlooked especially when the initial pain and disability of the original injury reduce and yet they remain.  Thus, the first step of any offseason training should focus on resolution of these patterns, including specific stretching or strengthening to reduce the compensation patterns.  The subtle aspect of sports training is overlooked by most athletes as they are focused on increasing strength, speed and skill.  Hours are spent running, lifting, and practicing skill only to be negated when the injury reemerges or the new stresses of the compensation pattern create a new overuse injury. 

The premise of "Periodization" in sports training is to break the year into smaller progressive training cycles which build on each other to have the athlete in optimal condition at the onset of the next season.  Lack of planning or skipping phases will decrease the effectiveness of the overall program. The first phase or "corrective" phase is the most vital component of the process but the most likely to be skipped. If a the body is only as strong as its weakest link and a team is only as strong as its weakest player then maybe we are missing the most important part of preparing athletes. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Becoming a Champion!

We are the Champions!  The grand culmination of each sports season!  Players and Coaches rush the field in celebration of reaching this elusive goal as the fans go crazy!  There is nothing like the feeling of becoming a champion and yet it is a feeling that very few ever experience.  The reason it is so valuable lies in how rare it is.  Only one team gets the title each year, the unbridled joy from one team is a stark contrast to the pain of the other.  With the end of every sports season comes the reflection of successes and failures.  While the champions are holding up the trophy and celebrating all the other teams are left wondering ‘what it’ and attention quickly shifts to setting goals for next season and the all too familiar "Just wait 'til next year!"

I think Alan Armstrong’s quote sums it up well “Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.”  As with everything in life, nothing worth having ever comes easy. While every athlete and coach longs to hold the trophy and be recognized as the best in their sport, the real truth is that very few are willing to put in what’s necessary to reach that level of success.  Every team starts the year with high hopes and expectations of success and everyone ‘works hard’ so what separates champions from everyone else? Further, why do some programs become dynasties and others perennial losers? 

Champions are outliers by the very definition of the word.  In his book of the same name Malcom Gladwell spins a hypothesis of what makes outliers and it is applicable to what makes Champions.   Gladwell postulates that outliers separate not only because the sheer amount of practice they do compared with contemporaries, but the also the type of practice.  While most are satisfied just putting in the required amount of practice, Outliers put in significantly more.  In order to be world class at something, the author leans on the 10,000 hour rule.  In other words it takes 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to become world class at some skill or roughly daily practice for 10 years.  What separates the great from the really good is the type of practice.  The ‘Great’ tend to utilize daily deliberate practice.  Instead of just going through the motion of practice for the allotted time, the ‘Great’ focus on improving their weaknesses.  The only way this is possible is through complete awareness of what the weaknesses are!  Therefore, they need a systematic approach of gaging their performance and identifying their strengths and weaknesses and then having a logical plan to improve.  This requires an objective coach(s) to help with the assessment and planning but then comes the hardest part the daily deliberate discipline to make the improvements.  Daily deliberate practice is hard because it is a journey without end; the goal is mastery not a destination.  The determination, grit and energy it takes to maintain this methodical march over several years is what separates the really good from the great and the great from the Champions.  The overall plan must include not only the initial evaluation but then systematic reevaluations to show improvement to help refine the process.   This is one area where the ‘instant gratification’ mentality is very detrimental because there is no short cut. 

Over the years we’ve seen the emergence and evolution of Sports Training or Performance Enhancement.  Following the diffusion of innovation curve we’ve witnesses the early innovators leading the way with new training techniques specific to athletes.  Then, the early adopters spread the ideas to more people and now we’ve reached the early mass phase where every professional team and most colleges have strength and conditioning coaches. Spreading from the professional and collegiate ranks there has been a steady increase in businesses offering a variety of sports training and performance enhancement services.  As with all professions there are the great, the good, the not-so-good and the horrible.  If you are an athlete or the parent of an athlete and your goal is to maximize your athletic abilities how do you decide the right program? 

While the topic of a comprehensive performance enhancement can become exhaustingly complicated here are a few basics to consider.  The first step of deciding on the appropriate coach or trainer starts with research.  Realizing that the human body is amazingly complex, the first question to consider is does this person have the minimum of a four year college degree in Exercise Science, kinesiology or a related scientific field? A good understanding of the science of human movement is a minimal requirement.  Next, what certification does the person have?  While there are a plethora of ‘certifications’ the gold standard for sports training is the CSCS or Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA.   With the right education and certification you then want to look at the person’s overall experience.  How many years have they been working with athletes and at what level?  What results have they been able to get?  Be prepared because this is where you will hear a laundry list of the famous people they have worked with.  While these lists can be impressive there is still more you need to know but we’ll save that for future blog posts.  Stay Tuned…

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Truth about the Road Less Taken!

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood...
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference."  Robert Frost (1874-1903)

A very famous poem that is often sited and referenced especially in business and entrepreneurship but the truth is that it is not that simple.  The decision to take the "road less traveled" isn't a one time decision.  It is a decision that occurs repeatedly.  My personal experience has shown that the more times you take "the road less traveled" the more difficult and lonely the travel becomes.  The vast majority of people simply can't comprehend taking a path of uncertainty, unknown difficulty and loneliness over the well trodden path of the masses.  The path of uncertainty takes tremendous courage and grit, not to mention the intellectual ability to solve unforeseen problems with creativity and possibly limited resources.  The critics will be plentiful, mocking and jeering for they only know what they perceive as reality.  They don't understand that the "reality" they preach is simply an illusion of their own creation.  Possibility and opportunity lay in the realm of the unknown and unexplored. 

Taking "The road less traveled" is extremely taxing, mentally, emotionally and even physically and thus the need for tremendous energy, determination and grit.  Once again I find myself at the choice of two roads.  One is security and relying on what has already been built.  To become a settler and enjoy the fruits of past labor.  An enticing chance to sit back and relax.  A chance for a 'well deserved' rest.  The other is to explore the new possibilities and to push the limits of my intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical abilities.  What Frost failed to mention in his poem is the chorus of family, friends, and advisors who for various reasons champion the well traveled path.  Having just emerged from the last "road less traveled" complete with ample amounts of criticism, rejection, mockery and judgmental opinion maybe it is time to fall in line with the expectation of the banks, pundits, advisors and champions of the road well traveled.

And yet there is one lingering question in my mind...
On the day of my judgment when I stand before God and he asks me "What did you do with what I gave you?" Will I tell him that I went part of the way?  That I accomplished quite a bit but then gave in to 'conventional wisdom' and took the well traveled road?  That it became to difficult to continue?  That I was tired of fighting against others who demanded security above everything else?  That I was tired of being the only one on the path?  Only to hear his reply..."you didn't believe that I was always with you?"  No, I'd much rather hear "Well done my good and faithful servant."  The Road less traveled it is!" 

Foster your Pioneer Spirit to Explore, Discover & Align Possibility, Passion and Purpose!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Celebrating Failure! Columbus Day!

This week we celebrate or don't celebrate Columbus Day! Over the years there has been a constant debate about whether or not it should be a national holiday.  Maybe we aren't looking at it from the right perspective.  I utilize this in my book "Life Pioneers:  The Edge of Possibility!"  here is a small part...

“Let’s take Christopher Columbus,” Grandpa began. “I’m guessing you know who that is, right?”

“Of course, Grandpa, everyone knows the story of Christopher Columbus. In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. But what does that have to do with what we’re talking about?”

“Patience, my son, everyone knows how the story ended, but do you know how it began?” questioned Grandpa.

“I think he was trying to find a different route to India or something,” answered the boy. “Exactly,” replied Grandpa. Now the boy was even more confused. “And?” interjected the boy.

“Well, did he find India?” Grandpa shot back.

“No, not even close. He found America. That’s why we still have Columbus Day, although he didn’t really find America on the first trip,” added the boy to impress Grandpa with his knowledge.

“Very true, he completely failed to find a new route. The question is, why was he the first one who attempted that route to India?”

“I don’t remember Grandpa. I guess they didn’t think they could make it that way,” answered the boy.

“It’s something like that. It was actually because, back then, it was a well-known fact that the world was flat and if you sailed …” started Grandpa.

“Too far,” interrupted the boy, smiling, “you’d fall off the edge!”

Grandpa smiled at his young student’s enthusiasm and continued, “Besides, some of the other top ‘thinkers’ of the time had a theory that there were monsters waiting for those who would dare to attempt navigating close to the edge of the known world. But why did they think this? Had anyone gone out and seen the end of the earth? Or had anyone actually seen these monsters?”

“There’s no way they could have,” replied the boy. “Neither of them existed.”

“True,” said Grandpa. “And yet artists created paintings and drawings of them. No one in Europe wanted to head out into the ocean the opposite way, until one person crazy enough to try it actually sailed out and came back alive to tell the story. And did he come back with tales of the edge of the earth and gigantic monsters?”

“No,” answered the boy. “He told them he had found a new land that they previously didn’t know about and that he had claimed it for the king.”
It is now widely know that Columbus never actually landed on the North American Continent and this small piece of information is used as the reason that it should not be a national holiday.  I would argue that now more than ever we need to celebrate Columbus Day, not because he 'discovered' America but because he had the spirit to try.  Did he fail in his initial goal?  Absolutely 100%, no question, it was a complete failure.  He never got close to India.  Did he actually step foot in 'America' it's pretty clear that he did not.  But, by going against conventional wisdom of his time and trusting his intellect and instinct he started a process that changed the world for ever.  Would someone else eventually find North America & South America?  Probably, eventually but that is hindsight.  So I suggest that every Columbus Day we celebrate all the pioneers who have changed our view of the world.  The brave few who are willing to go against conventional wisdom and risk everything to see if they can find a better way!  Make it a national Pioneer Day!  Celebrate the past, present and future Pioneers in all areas.  Maybe then we can show people that their world is not flat.  They are only limited by their fears and that anything is possible if you are willing to plan, set sail and persevere!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bad guy grabs you! Are you ready?

While I believe that there is still a lot of good in this world created by great people who sacrifice to help others, I am not blind to the evil that seems to be ever present.  As the old saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"  Let's add protecting yourself and your family to the long list of reasons that we need to get and stay healthy.  Improved endurance, strength and speed will give us a better opportunity to defend ourselves and those we love.  Recently, I was introduced to a new form of self defense.  Last weekend we held a demonstration of this new theory of self defense.  As I watched the demonstration and participated in learning some basic techniques I really enjoyed the blending of different martial arts techniques combined with understanding your own mental outlook and that of potential aggressors.  It is a sad reality that predators seek out the week to be their victims, thus the way to prevent becoming a victim is to become strong physically and mentally.  After the demonstration, I think there is one more element to add and that is prepare by learning these specific techniques. 

TERRIO Therapy will be offering an 8 Week Self Defense Class meeting once per week.  If you are not in the Bakersfield area, I would recommend seeking out similar classes.   I think this is a great course for everyone.  Hopefully you will never have to use any of the techniques taught in this class but if a bad situation ever arises at least you will have some skill to call upon.  Call (661)410-3343 to register for the upcoming class. 

Elias Larimer, Instructor  (in the black gi)
Following his strong passion for martial arts, Elias has earned a Blackbelt in both Karate and Jujitsu.  Larimer has been a dedicated student of various forms of martial arts for many years and has moved into teaching over the last couple years.  He enjoys sharing his love of the arts and what he has learned.
Larimer is a proud member of a newly developing association called International Combat Arts.

This style centers on real life scenarios, and is based on concrete scientific principles.  Students will build a strong foundation of movement, improved understanding of the human body and mind both of themselves and any potential aggressor.  Classes will be small to assure safety and constant feedback as skills are developed and refined. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


In 2007 I saw a program about a baseball league for children with disabilities.  I have been blessed with three amazing kids and I have enjoyed coaching and watching them play sports.   I asked my pediatric staff at TERRIOkids why we didn't have a league like that in Bakersfield and they said because no one has ever started it.  Six weeks later we launched our first baseball season, now eight years later here is what the league has become and where we want to go.  It's amazing what happens when a dream is put into action and then you get passionate people behind it.  The League is supported by generous community sponsors, incredible volunteers and amazing families.  The future is bright!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

We're killing our children!

Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age

Roy Richards

Middle Age Can Be Your Best Age – Obesity Runs in Families — Mom You’re the Key!

Overweight children and teens are likely to grow up to be fat adults where they can expect to die four or five years sooner, get sick 76% more often, have fewer and less-satisfying relationships and earn less money. Fitness expert Tim Terrio explains why it makes sense to get the whole family in shape together and why you moms hold the key. Mom (and dad), tune in to learn how to transform your own body at the same time you inspire offspring to a lifetime of healthy eating and an active, high-energy life-style far beyond texting and video games. Weight-loss expert Linda Spangle outlines how to get your diet back on track after a summer of outdoor barbeques, state-fair pig-outs and high-calorie meals while on vacation.
Here's the link:


Monday, September 1, 2014

Who in the Hell is that? Oh, its me!

My Story:  Who in the hell is that?

You never know you are sleeping until you are suddenly jolted out of a peaceful slumber and that is exactly what happened to me.  For me it was a picture of a family vacation.  I remember looking at the picture thinking ‘who in the hell is that’!  I mean it looked like me but it must be a bad camera angle or something.  I’m not that fat.  Sure, I had gained a few pounds but…I sat there for a minute wondering if this is how the rest of the world sees me?  Am I the only one who didn’t notice?  How could I have not seen it before? 

in·sid·i·ous adjective \in-ˈsi-dÄ“-É™s\ Causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed.  Insidious is the perfect word to describe the slow creep of our weight.  We don’t become fat overnight.  It’s not like the scene in the Nutty Professor were we suddenly blow up.  It is the gradual increases that goes unnoticed but make no mistake it is causing harm.  As our weight goes up so does the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.  I’m a medical professional and know all the facts and yet somehow I had been lulled into a health slumber and did not notice the increase.  I had all the excuses.  I was busy with work, and coaching my kids, and being involved in other groups and events.  But, the truth was that I had simply not been paying attention.  Suddenly faced with the reality, I realized I had two choices.  To either continue on the path that had gotten me here or begin a new journey to where I wanted to go.  My thoughts went immediately to finding a quick fix to losing weight something fast and easy.  The problem was that through all of my years of education, the one thing that was constant was that there isn’t a quick, easy solution.  It had taken years for the insidious increase to get to this point and it would be a long journey to get to where I wanted to be.  If there was a secret, then you can bet I would have used it to teleport me to where I wanted to be. 

The first step of the journey is to make you a priority and that starts with valuing your time.  Once I found the time the next step was to follow the rules of conditioning to make sure injury wouldn’t short circuit my efforts.  It is a journey but you need to make sure you are on the right path. 
If you have been awoken out of your slumber and If you are ready for a change, join the Healthy Family Challenge!  More information at 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

That won't happen to me! The Diabetic Time Bomb! (warning graphic pictures)

“Yeah but it won’t happen to me!”  With this statement we shrug off the implication of being overweight and inactive.  Sure there is some information about chronic disease but that’s what happens to others!

Right now in America we have a time bomb ticking.  The scary part is that it’s not a matter of if the bomb will blow but when?  (Don’t laugh rest of the world you are right there with us.)  Imagine a bomb that could kill over 100 Million Americans?  In the face of such a threat everyone would mobilize to prevent it.  The threat is real and yet goes largely unnoticed by the world.  The threat is called Diabetes, specifically type 2.  It is estimated that approximately 24 Million Americans have already been diagnosed and another 80 Million have prediabetes (Metabolic Syndrome by another name).  A little quick math tells us that over 100 Million Americans will have Type 2 Diabetes in the next 10 years.  This is where the “Yeah, but it won’t happen to me!” starts to show up.  Daily people are diagnosed and warned by their doctors about the impending disease but other than a little fatigue they don’t really feel different. So why make any changes?  By the time you are diagnosed with pre-Diabetes you are already in the second phase of the disease.  Without realizing it your body was slowly building up a resistance to insulin. Insulin is necessary to control the amount of sugar in your blood (known as glucose).  By Phase 2 (pre-diabetes) the cells that produce insulin in your pancreas are being impaired and yet we still have very few symptoms (we just don’t feel different).  Then one day we pass the threshold and now officially have type 2 Diabetes.  Our doctors warn us about the dangers of the disease and yet we still don’t feel bad.  They give us some medication and tell us to lose weight and get active but we answer “come on Doc, Really?  I feel fine, nothing bad is going to happen to me!”  

On we go for several years and other than the annoying warnings of the doctor and the increases in medication nothing really changes. It can take 4 to 7 years for the disease to really set in.  But then one day, the bomb goes off.  The leading treat from having Diabetes is Heart Disease which accounts for more than 50% of Diabetes related deaths.  But, that’s still only 50%, “that won’t happen to me!” 


I’m sure it will get better soon!!


Any Day now it’s going to heal up…


Maybe it’s time to see the Doctor…


The disease has now become very, very real but there is no rewind button.  If only there had been something you could have done earlier to prevent this!!!  Oh, that’s right there was.  Of the three main risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes only one, heredity, is not modifiable the others Obesity and Physical inactivity are completely modifiable.  By losing weight and becoming physically active over 80% of Chronic Diseases like Heart Disease and Diabetes are preventable.   So we have the choice we can either continue path to heart disease and diabetes or we can change to a healthy lifestyle.  Still not enough motivation to make a change then consider this…

Our children are following in our footsteps of poor nutrition and inactivity.  What was once known as “Adult Onset” Diabetes was changed to “Type 2” because it’s now showing up in children.  So what can be done to prevent our children from going down this path?  For adolescents and children with type 2 diabetes, the goals of therapy are the same as for any person with diabetes: achieve physical and psychological wellbeing while controlling the glucose levels. In other words, maintain a healthy weight and increase physical activity. 

This is the reason we need a Healthy Family Evolution!  This is the reason for the Healthy Family Challenge!  It’s not a matter of IF Diabetes will get you, it’s a matter of WHEN!  Ask your children “what do you want to be when you grow up?”  There won’t be any that say “I want to be an amputee, with out of control Diabetes!  Maybe have a few heart attacks and die at an early age.” 

The time for the change is now!  The sooner you get started the easier it is to turn things around.    The Healthy Family Challenge is registering now.  more information at

Monday, August 25, 2014

12 Ways to Assure You and Your Family gets a Chronic Disease!!

12 Ways to Assure You and Your Family gets a Chronic Disease!!

1.                  Make sedentary behavior the norm—sitting for long periods of time—is distinct from physical activity and has been shown to be a health risk in itself. We now know that long periods of inactivity are actually very harmful to the body, allowing the long hours spent playing video games, watching TV or playing on phones, without interruption will significantly increase your chances of illness.

2.                  Stock cupboards, refrigerator and freezer with processed foods.  The more processed the better.  Try to get foods high in high fructose corn syrup, fat and long lists of chemicals you can’t pronounce.   

3.                  Believe the “It’s more expensive to eat healthy” myth!  Buy lots of fast food and avoid fresh fruits and vegetables.  Thank all of the fast food and processed food providers for selling food below the cost of purchasing it.  Obviously this is the only way it would be cheaper to eat processed and fast food. 

4.                  Give in to Parkinson's Law:  ‘Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.’ Fill up all your available hours with our smartphones, Facebook, TV, videos, movies, games, etc., and that way there “isn’t enough time to exercise.”

5.                  Jump on every get skinny quick potion and program.  It’s too much to acknowledge that this journey is NOT easy, it is NOT simple, and there are no magic formulas, potions or concoctions.  It’s much better to spend lots of money on gimmicks. 

6.                  Utilize large plates and bowls while eating.  Since people are unable to estimate accurately how much they have eaten, especially if the plate or bowl it large it will assure we eat more than necessary.

7.                  Forget the Stages of Motor Learning and that Stage 1 is the ’Cognitive’ stage, which means thinking. Make fun of family members for trying to learn a new activity or skill.  I mean they look funny when first trying to learn so why not ensure they quite early.

8.                  Believe that exercise with ‘going to the gym,’ instead of just being more active.  And since it’s such a hassle to get to the gym it’s better to just stay inactive

9.                  Do not cook or bake at home using more natural sources and we go out to restaurants more often.  This ensures that you will get more calories and that kids won’t learn to cook or be involved in making different healthy dishes. 

10.              If you’re having a snack, eat directly from the package. This will ensure that you have no idea how much you actually eat.  Don’t pay attention to the serving size on the package and just guess that it’s ‘about right.’

11.              Water is boring so make sure you have lots of soda, juice and chemical rich drinks available.

12.              Don’t worry about your decisions compounding.  Sure Albert Einstein said ‘Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.’ And our bad decisions compound to lead us to bad health but I’m sure it won’t happen to you.

Americans are drowning in debt because we have entered a hyperconsumption lifestyle, without regard to its costs and nowhere is that more apparent than our health.  The percentage of adults and children who are overweight and obese continue to rise.  The percentage of adults and children who get less that recommended daily activity continues to increase.  We continue to rely on medications to help when we get sick, so, it’s only natural that we look for the pill to fix our chronic diseases of Diabetes and Heart Disease.  Sure, 80% of them are preventable but why worry about that when we can simply take a pill or five or 10.  The truth is that we don’t need this list because we are actually already very good and increasing chronic disease in our families.  So if that is your goal congratulations you are on the right path.  Soon you and your family will enjoy the full effects of Diabetes.  Think of how great it will be when you have wounds that don’t heal, that can eventually lead to amputation.  Then there’s the going blind, but even better than that is the heart disease that will soon come.  Eventually you get to spend a lot of time in doctors’ offices and hospitals. But that’s a few years off so why worry about it now. 

If on the other hand this isn’t your goal and it’s time for a change.  If you want to equip your family with the benefits of a healthy lifestyle then there are three things you must do.  Get Informed.  Get Moving and Get Better.  On September 2nd we are starting the Healthy Family Challenge.  A 12 week program that will start you on the journey to a healthy future.  For more information call (661)410-3443 or visit

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

5 Best Ways to Decrease Athletic Success!!

As fall sports are starting, I was talking to a good friend of mine (Fred Smith), who happens to be a Certified Athletic Trainer with 30+ years of experience.  He came up with this list and I contributed to it.  We actually see this over and over.  I felt it was so true, I had to share. 

5 Best Ways to
Decrease your Athletic Success &
Irritate Coaches & Athletic Trainers

1.        Become weak or dizzy in practice.  Cause: Lack of eating or fluids.

A.     The human body needs energy to properly function.  We get this energy from eating food.  Just like you can’t run your car without gas you can’t run your body without food.  Skipping meals means you’re running on empty!!

B.    You don’t get energy from water, but if you don’t have water you don’t have energy.

C.    The fastest way to ensure poor performance is to not drink enough water.

D.    5 Keys to staying healthy:  1) Eat good 2) Drink plenty of fluids 3) Get plenty of rest

                                             4) Train hard 5) Follow advice of athletic trainers

2.       Not correcting problems found in preliminary screens.

A.    Medical Staff do screens to identify potential problems and give a programs to correct them.  By not doing the program you are increasing your chance of getting injured.  So, A few weeks later you show up with an injury that keeps you out of practice related to it.

B.    Hint:  We actually write down the findings and programs in your file and the first question you will be asked is have you been doing your corrective exercises.

3.       Rehab until allowed to return to practice, then discontinuing rehab.

A.    It’s important to continue your rehab until your weakness becomes a strength.

B.    Athletes that stop rehab too soon are more likely to get reinjured. (this means you will miss more time)

4.       Not telling us about problems early and waiting until problem is bad.

Athletes come in with bad problems that started as a small problem and when asked why they did not come in earlier, they say, “I didn’t think it was that bad.” or “I thought it would go away.”  The trainers are actually medical professionals who are paid to determine the severity of injuries.  Waiting until it is bad means longer recovery (more missed time)

5.       Not informing us ASAP after a head injury (concussion).

Like all other injuries concussions need the right treatment to assure full recovery. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Your Health-What You don't know CAN hurt you!!


Our intelligence is the same as a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

Sedentary behavior—sitting for long periods of time—is distinct from physical activity and has been shown to be a health risk in itself.  Our bodies were made to move and move often.

Physical movement improves our mental functioning.

Our bodies respond to the stresses placed on it, from our bones to our muscles, tendons, and joints. We have a built-in ability to meet the demands placed on our bodies, by gradually increasing strength and growing more tissue, over time.

Increased pain 2 to 3 days after exercise or activity is called DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness. This is actually an inflammatory reaction of the muscles and tendons (A warning sign that you overdid it).

Bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles— respond to the right amount of stress or force by increasing in strength, but they will also break down when the force is too much, increased too rapidly, or they are not allowed to recover adequately between workouts.

Very light or light intensity is best for older persons or previously sedentary adults starting exercise.
One of the biggest mistakes that people make with exercise is to not allow their bodies time to recover, which means they are not allowing their bodies to build up.

Low Back Pain is the most common physical problem and peaks between 35-55 years old.  The sooner you start treatment the better the outcome.

Use the appropriate level of complexity and resistance that allows for proper technique to minimize the chance of injuries.

It takes 2 to 3 minutes for heart rate to plateau at work level so allow yourself a few minutes to build up to the level you will be working at.

When you are first starting out, the most important thing is to build a strong cardiovascular base to improve overall wellness, and then add appropriate resistance training to maintain or increase muscular strength.

A forward head can lead to increased headaches, neck pain and even shoulder pain.

Your Mother was right!  Stop Slouching.  Good posture means your ear is aligned with your shoulder and hip. Poor posture leads to many issues.