Friday, March 21, 2014

Buyer Beware! The Truth about weight loss...

Ok, ok, I know shorter videos because the average attention span is now less than 3 minutes.  So here is the condensed version.

Tired of the rollercoaster of failed diets and programs? Time for a sustainable change!

The epidemic of chronic disease created by being overweight is the biggest problem facing our country and the world.  Faced with the truth that more than 95% of diets and programs fail is there really a solution?  It all starts with getting informed..
When you are ready to make a sustainable change in your life email me at  Classes and times are limited. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Easy Does It!! A sensible wellness program!

 I will be speaking at the Healthy Bakersfield Expo next Saturday and we will have a booth there.  In order to make a sustainable change we need to get both sides of us in sync.    Also, look for an article in the Bakersfield Californian Next week about the Expo and our new program.
Here is the short version...
For those of you interested I've included the longer version with more information about the importance of getting the right program in place...
I am excited to announce a new wellness program...The Healthy Family Evolution:  Mom's Strong!  I've been working on this program for over a year and with the success of the pilot group I'm ready to start filling new groups.  This is a comprehensive wellness program that includes the mental aspect of getting healthy, nutrition and working out.  The program includes my new book by the same name, a work book, 3 training sessions each week under the direction of a Coach and educational seminars and videos.   The groups will be very limited so if you're interested get a partner and get registered. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Running the Gauntlet-How Dreams become Reality

Running the gauntlet or gantlet is a form of physical punishment where a captive is to run between two rows - a gauntlet - of soldiers who repeatedly strike them.  This custom dates back centuries and now is better known in a less violent format in different sports.  But there is a different Gauntlet that people run and it happens all the time without us realizing it...